
Support us With AmazonSmile

We are excited to announce that you can now passively support Freedom & Whiskey Equine Rescue every time you shop at Amazon. We have completed the process to be registered with Guidestar which enables us to be listed as a charity in the AmazonSmile program. You can view our Guidestar profile here: Freedom & Whiskey Equine Rescue.

AmazonSmile is a charitable giving program run by Amazon that donates 0.5% of your purchase total to a charity of your choice when you shop through the AmazonSmile website either on your computer, tablet, or through your smartphone app at no cost to you. As of the time of writing, Amazon has donated over $377,000,000 to charities through the AmazonSmile program. 

We would love to be the charity you choose to donate to through AmazonSmile, so we are asking you to follow the steps below to select Freedom & Whiskey Equine Rescue as your AmazonSmile charity. Your support means the world to us and every dollar helps us pursue our mission to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome horses in need. 

Enable AmazonSmile on Your Phone


Enabling AmazonSmile on your smartphone is quick and easy. Follow the steps below to enable AmazonSmile on your smartphone through the official Amazon shopping app. 

  1. Open the Amazon App
  2. Open Settings by tapping the three horizontal lines (aka the “hamburger”) at the top left and tapping “Settings.”
  3. Tap AmazonSmile
  4. Tap the button for “Turn on AmazonSmile”
  5. You’ll need to follow the three-step setup process.
    Amazon requires you to enable notifications to use AmazonSmile on your phone.

Enable AmazonSmile in Your Browser

AmazonSmile Web Page

You can also enable AmazonSmile in your browser, however, the caveat to using AmazonSmile in your browser is that purchases only count towards the charitable organization of your choice if you specifically start your shopping experience at If you go to the regular page to begin shopping, the purchase will not be included in the AmazonSmile charitable donation that Amazon makes on your behalf. Because of this important distinction, there are two ways, listed below, to ensure that you are always using Amazon through the AmazonSmile portal. 


One way to ensure you are using is to use a bookmark in your browser that takes you directly there. For ease of use, you can click this link to AmazonSmile, and then add it to your bookmarks. This is an easy way to make sure you are always using the AmazonSmile page, but it does leave room for error. If someone sends you a link to an Amazon product or if you type into your browser, you can end up shopping without your charitable organization receiving a donation from Amazon. Thankfully, there is a way to ensure you always end up on the AmazonSmile page regardless of how you start your shopping experience, see below for the Chrome Extension.

Chrome Extension

If you are using the Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers you can add an extension that will automatically redirect you to to ensure that all of your browser-based Amazon shopping is through the AmazonSmile program and generates charitable donations to the charity of your choice. 

  1. Click this link to open the Amazon Smile Redirect extension in the chrome web store
  2. Click the Add to Chrome button to install the extension

Now every time you visit the Amazon Smile Redirect extension in your browser will update the URL so you end up starting your shopping on the AmazonSmile page. 

If you are using Firefox as your browser instead of Chrome or Microsoft Edge, you can use this link to get the same Amazon Smile Redirect Extension from the Firefox Add-Ons store.