Unbridled Hope: 5 Laws to Save Equines from Peril

Horse and American Flag

At Freedom and Whiskey Equine Rescue, we are dedicated to providing sanctuary, rehabilitation, and hope to equines in need. While our rescue efforts can directly impact, broader changes must happen at the legislative level to ensure long-term protection and welfare for all equines across the country. Several essential bills in Congress could significantly impact the safety and well-being of horses, donkeys, and ponies. Below, we break down these key legislative initiatives and explain why it’s vital for every supporter to take action today.

The SAFE Act (H.R. 3475/S.2007)

Photo by SHOT on Unsplash

The Save America’s Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act aims to ban the slaughter of American horses for human consumption permanently. While horse slaughterhouses have been effectively shut down in the U.S., horses are still being exported to other countries for slaughter. The SAFE Act would end this brutal practice once and for all.

Why it matters: At Freedom and Whiskey, many of the equines we rescue are vulnerable to slaughter pipelines. The passage of this act would ensure that no horse in America is ever sent to slaughter, safeguarding their lives and making our work toward finding them forever homes even more meaningful.

The PAST Act (H.R. 3090/S.4004)

Photo by Emmett Gienapp from timesfreepress.com

The Prevent All Soring Tactics (PAST) Act would strengthen prohibitions against the cruel practice of soring—intentionally inflicting pain on a horse’s legs or hooves to produce an exaggerated, artificial gait. Despite existing laws, loopholes and lax enforcement have allowed this inhumane treatment to persist, especially in the show-horse industry.

Why it matters: Soring is a hidden but pervasive form of abuse. This act would close the gaps in current law, protecting Tennessee Walking Horses, Racking Horses, and other breeds often subjected to these painful practices. At our rescue, we see firsthand how vital it is to eliminate all forms of cruelty and restore dignity to these beautiful creatures.

The Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act (H.R. 3656)

Photo by Oscar Nilsson on Unsplash

The Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act seeks to reform how the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages wild horse and burro populations on public lands. This bill would emphasize humane management practices, including fertility control instead of roundups and sale for slaughter.

Why it matters: Thousands of wild horses and burros are rounded up each year and too often end up in dangerous situations. This legislation would promote non-lethal population control methods, aligning with our mission of humane treatment and ensuring that wild equines can thrive without fear of slaughter.

The Ejiao Act (H.R. 6021)

Photo by Brian Wangenheim on Unsplash

The Ejiao Act aims to ban the sale of products containing ejiao, a gelatin made from donkey skin used in traditional Chinese medicine. This global trade has led to the mass slaughter of donkeys, threatening populations worldwide and driving many toward extinction.

Why it matters: Donkeys, like the ones we care for at Freedom and Whiskey, are often the overlooked victims of cruel industries. By prohibiting the sale of ejiao products in the U.S., this act would cut demand and protect millions of donkeys from unnecessary suffering and death.

The Horse Transportation Safety Act (H.R. 4241)

Horse Trailer
Photo by Shelly Busby on Unsplash

The Horse Transportation Safety Act would prohibit the transport of horses in double-decker trailers, which are designed for smaller animals like cattle and pigs. These trailers are dangerous for horses, causing injuries or fatalities when they are forced into such cramped, low-clearance spaces.

Why it matters: Proper, safe transport is essential for equine welfare. As a rescue that often relies on transporting animals to and from safe locations, we know how critical it is to have humane and secure transport standards. This bill would eliminate one of the worst transport practices still in use today.

Why You Should Care

These five bills are more than just policy changes—they are about building a safer future for all equines. Whether it’s eliminating slaughter pipelines, protecting wild horses, or ensuring safe transport, each piece of legislation supports the very heart of what we do here at Freedom and Whiskey. But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to pass these critical protections into law.

Take Action Today! We urge you to contact your congressional representatives and ask them to co-sponsor and support these crucial bills. Your voice matters—every email, call, or letter helps push these life-saving laws closer to reality.

You can find your member of Congress and their contact information here: Contact Your Congressional Member.

Together, we can protect horses, donkeys, and ponies from cruelty and ensure they have the future they deserve.

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